
We are the Junior League of San Jose (JLSJ)

Above all else, our goal is to promote and perpetuate social change in the Santa Clara County Communities that will benefit most from it. By empowering women and providing valuable leadership training, we are giving local women the tools to get involved, put their talents to work, and positively impact the communities of San Jose and Santa Clara County, California.

Strength in Numbers

As one of hundreds of Junior League chapters worldwide, we are a member of the Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI). Established in 1967, the Junior League of San Jose is integral to Santa Clara County, California communities’ development, improvement, and support.


While you’re here, we welcome you to learn how to join us, support our work, or get involved.


Our Local Impact

Right now, our primary focus of making a measurable impact in the lives of transitional-age foster youth (TAY) requires immediate action, and our multi-faceted approach is making an impact. By the end of the 2023-2024 League year, we plan to create better outcomes for transitional-age foster youth in Santa Clara County by supporting initiatives to ensure that 50% of foster youth earn $50,000 by age 26. If you want to learn more about our current focus or develop your civic leadership skills, we welcome you to learn more or connect with us.

Help Us Lead Change

There is always more work to be done, more help needed, and more opportunities to make an impact in Santa Clara County. The empowered women of JLSJ are working to improve our local communities through leadership and effective action. Will you join them?